A way around the quota regulations
Even if whoever handles the building quotas at your local MUCK isn't
particularly generous, you can still build a Rainbow Maze!
The first part is simple: You reset the maze by manipulating the exits.
so you don't really have to own all the rooms. All you need is a handful of
partners who think this maze thing is a pretty nifty idea, and all they
have to do is take over some of the rooms after you have built them (and
the exits). This has the added advantage that the creative burden of
describing the rooms falls on the new owners! ;)
The exits... Well, most quota MUCKs have larger action quotas than room and
object quotas (there is no doubt about what you're supposed to make most
of!) so this is less of a problem. On FurryMUCK the quota is 100 actions,
so two characters should be enough to handle them.
Which two characters? Personally I would recommend getting an alt - saves
you the trouble of waiting for your partner to get online and transferring
the command file to him/her.
Of course you must find a way to transfer the registration data (all the
exits are addressed by regname, remember?) to the other character, and then
there are three ways of doing the actual work:
- If you and your partner don't mind getting spammed with error messages,
simply let both characters execute the whole file.
- Split the file (at $gg-w to be fair) and let each character execute
one half. Of course this requires some extra setup work the first time to
make sure the characters have the right exits...
- The most elegant (?) solution:
Most players know it's possible to make an object a "zombie" that
can be controlled by player, but few realize that a player can be set up as
a zombie too! And it looks like i have finally found a practical use for
that trick... ;)
How to make a zombie is described in many places, so I won't go into detail
here. There is probably even a help file on your MUCK, so check there! Skip
the parts about making an object and setting its Z bit, and remember that
the "slave" must set its own X bit and @flock while the
"master" creates the controlling action.
Once everything is set up make sure the "slave" owns and has
registered the last half of the exit list, then after generating a new
reset file just load it into an editor, find the first exit the
"slave" owns and insert the name of the control action on every
following line. Then send the file to the "master" and you will
have set up the maze with the added advantage of avoiding half the
spam! ;)
(Just make sure, if you use someone else's character as a
"slave", that the other player isn't online!)
This may be seen as stretching the rules a bit though, and it's probably
better to just get a bigger quota...
Rainbow Maze © 1999 Ragnar Fyri. All rights reserved.
(That includes software, graphics and web page.)