Fragment seven. Well, that's my idea about how things got put straight in the end. But there is still more. Sure, Dotty is gone, and various tests verify it, but there is still someone who has to be convinced. And what do you know - I found an unusual way for them to do that too! The next day an ambulance pulls up in front of the TV studio. Conrad and Leonard (presumably the strongest of the regular characters, chosen because the following involves some heavy lifting) step out, open the back door and pull out a covered stretcherr (apparently with someone lying on it) which they wheel into the the foyer. The receptionist jumps to her feet, stares at the shrouded figure and wonders out loud what the heck is going on. Conrad tells her they are looking for the leader of the conspiracy (he uses the leader's name, not that description!), and the receptionist automatically asks if they've got an appointment. "No," Conrad admits, "but I'm sure he'll make time for us when you tell him we are here with - " He whips the cover of the stretcher with a dramatic flourish " - Dotty Winslow's body!" Sure enough, it's Dotty, or rather Leona, lying lifeless on the stretcher and looking about as dead as a body can without starting to decompose. "Is... is she dead?" "Dorothy Winslow is no more." That is enough verification forthe receptionist. She turns around and runs down a corridor in search of someone to inform and get some orders from. The following bit can be left out if you think the scene works better if the reader doesn't know for sure if Leona is dead or alive. It's just a bit of exposition anyway, and requires the three to be alone in the foyer As soon as the receptionist disappears around a corner, Leonard nudges the stretcher and says "Intermission." Leona opens her eyes, gasps and starts breathing more normally than she has in this scene so far. "Whew! That shallow breathing technique is harder than it looks!" "Well, you're doing pretty well considering you learned it yesterday! How do you feel?" "Cold." "Yes, that skin coolant sure is efficient isn't it?" "Sure. I just hope someone's got the nerve to touch me and make it worth the trouble." She stretches and looks around a bit. "Good thing there aren't any mirrors here. I look terrible, don't I?" "You look dead." "Great. You know, I feel a bit bad about upsetting the receptionist like that.. *She* didn't have any paart in the conspiracy that I know of." "Well, we'll have to find a way to make it up to her later. But lie down now, here they come..." The receptionist returns with the requested leader in tow, plus some others. We need at least the hypno guy here, don't know about the others. Actually I haven't thought up so much dialog here, the general idea is that they are all shocked at the apparent death of their star, and our friends get the chance to tell them a thing or two about how they've been treating her before the truth is revealed. (You thought perhaps they were going to make everyone believe she really was dead, but I don't think that would work, so they did it just to make a point and for the shock value.) Little interlude; The receptionist gets angry at Conrad and calls him a liar, but he points out that everything he said was true. That is indeed Dotty's BODY, he didn't say it was her DEAD body. And he answered the question by saying that Dotty was no more, not that she had died physically and taken Leona with her. Oh, and they are here to prove what he just said. After a dramatic pause they challenge the hypno guy to try to activate Dotty - and he'd better get it right the first time, because Leona has had some new mental blocks installed that makes it impossible to hypnotize her more than once. A bit later (after moving to a side room) Leona is back in the usual trance, but all attempts at taking the next step to "wake" Dotty fail miserably. [A little in joke idea: Leona responds to HG asking for Dotty with a deep growl: "THERE IS NO DOTTY, ONLY LEONA!" just like Dana/Zuul did in "Ghostbusters". The parallell could be emphasised by someone asking if she's going to levitate now...] Anyway HG finally gets convinced that Dotty is gone for good, and after a while he convinces his boss as well. (This is another point where we need that idea about Dotty being impossible to "rebuild" that I mentioned earlier.) And... well, that's it. Mission accomplished, Leona cleans up and they all go home after returning the ambulance where it belongs. Can't think of a punchline or snappy ending for this one, it just ends... And that is also the end of this scenario for now, I have finished writing down all my idea so far, and it's not likely to go anywhere unless someone feels like discussing it and inspiring me some more.